Give the workers jobs by pressing on the folder on their desk

Giving Break makes happiness go UP

Get the most amount of money in 200 seconds

Desk happiness >= 75 then Happy

Desk happiness >= 50 then Mid

Desk happiness < 50 then Angry

If Desk is happy you lose 15$, if Mid you lose 25$, if Mad you lose 40$ per hour

Find jobs by pressing the job button  then when you press on the job you will see the job type and you should associate the job type with the desk or else you could read under

Job types:

Engineer works Engineer job = 15 points

Engineer works Accountant job = 10 points

Engineer works Lawyer job = 5 points

Accountant works Accountant job = 15 points

Accountant works Engineer job = 10 points

Accountant works Lawyer job = 5 points

Lawyer works Layer job = 15 points

Lawyer works Accountant job = 10 points

Lawyer works Engineering job = 5 points

Comment your score!!

Made withGodot
Tags2D, Godot


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